The most complete and detailed book devoted to middle range theories, thisand#160;text examines theories and their applications in clinical nursing research and practice.and#160;The authors provide expert advice on selecting an appropriate theory for a nursing research project and on critiquing theories. Middle range theory is appreciated as essential to the structure of nursing knowledge. Although middle-range theories address specific phenomena within nursing practice, the theories are broad enough to be applied to a variety of patient populations, and across many practice settings. and#160;The most frequently cited middle range nursing theories are explored in … Widely used middle-range nursing theories include Orlando's (23) theory of the deliberative nursing process, Peplau's (24, 25) theory of interpersonal relations, and Watson's (26, 27) theory of human caring. Middle Range Theories In Nursing Research 703 Words | 3 Pages. Nine middle range theories that demonstrate ongoing use by the theory authors are analyzed using the criteria of theory name, theory generation, disciplinary perspective , theory model, practice use and research use. The person takes advantage. Middle range theory is appreciated as essential to the structure of nursing knowledge. There are composed of concepts whose relationships are able to be depicted in a model (Smith and Liehr, 2008). The middle range theory, while a bit more tangible, is still abstract and hard to quantify relating to patient outcomes. Middle-range theories are useful in addressing the problems of nursing, espe-cially among vulnerable populations. In the text, Middle Range Theory for Nursing, 2 nd Edition, authors Mary Jane Smith and Patricia Liehr state, Nursing remains on the margin of the professional disciplines and is in danger of being consumed or ignored if sufficient attention is not given to the uniqueness of nursing’s field of inquiry and practice. Middle Range Theory Continues to Guide Nursing Practice Lisa M. Sanford Maryville University Middle Range Theory Continues to Guide Nursing Practice Nursing theory has three distinct categories to describe the level of abstraction: Grand, Middle-Range, and Situation-Specific (Meleis, 2012, p. 33). Nine middle range theories that demonstrate ongoing use by … This replication and critique addresses ongoing development and use of middle range theory since considering this body of nursing … Nursing theories, especially those based from the grand theory range are extremely abstract, complex and essentially, unmeasurable. KEYWORDS: Middle Range Theory, Theory, Evaluation, Bridging Theory-Practice Gap. Hugh McKenna (1997) defined these three categories, stating: Grand theory is … Her work is being taught to thousands of nursing students from all over the world and is implemented in a variety of service settings as well. Many other middle-range nursing theories exist. Application of Middle-Range Theories on 21st Century Practice Whitney Rizzo NURS 600 Maryville University Application of Middle-Range Theories on 21st Century Nursing is a profession in which theories have been developed to help implement knowledge development into the practice since Florence Nightingale. Imogene Martina King (January 30, 1923 – December 24, 2007) was one of the pioneers and most sought nursing theorists for her Theory of Goal Attainment which was developed in the early 1960s. Middle range theories focus on a narrow dimension of the nursing reality. Middle-range concepts Biography of Imogene King.