Click here for How to Install TensorFlow on Mac. Mac下相对容易的多。 1、安装anaconda 非常好用的工具,百度搜索下载安装即可。 2、安装theano. setup steps of plaidml-setup plaidbench keras mobilenet plaidbench keras … Keras Keras is a high-level neural networks API, written in … Keras and TensorFlow can be configured to run on either CPUs or GPUs. GPU Installation. There is not any keras-gpu package [UPDATE: now there is, see other answer below]; Keras is a wrapper around some backends, including Tensorflow, and these backends may come in different versions, such as tensorflow and tensorflow-gpu.But this does not hold for Keras itself, which should be installed simply with. I want a high level library which can do prototyping real fast to test out my ideas. Connect external GPU to Mac Install packages pip install pyopencl plaidml-keras plaidbench plaidml-setup plaidml-setup. - [Instructor] To work with the code examples…in this course,…We need to install the Python 3 programming language,…the PyCharm development environment,…and several software libraries.…Including Keras and Tensorflow.…This video will cover installation on Mac OS.…If you are using Windows,…watch the separate video covering…Windows installation … pip install keras … The CPU version is much easier to install and configure so is the best starting place especially when you are first learning how to use Keras. keras的依赖库,在anaconda中搜索theano安装即可。 3、pip install keras 完成后在anaconda下进入ipython然后import keras … Python-based neural networks API. 简评:手把手教你如何在 Mac OSX 系统安装 TensorFlow。这个文档说明了如何在 Mac OS X 上安装 TensorFlow。 注意:从 1.2 版本开始,在 Mac OS X 上 TensorFlow 不再支持 GPU。确定如何安装 … Read the documentation at: Keras is compatible with Python 3.6+ and is distributed under the MIT license. Python Deep Learning library Installing Keras with the TensorFlow backend on macOS From the course: Building Deep Learning Applications with Keras 2.0 1h 24m 25s Released on August 1, 2017 *NOTE: TO USE KERAS YOU MUST FIRST INSTALL TENSORFLOW. Keras is a high-level neural networks API for Python. To install Keras, you will need Anaconda Distribution, which is supported by a company called Continuum Analytics.Anaconda provides a platform for Python and R languages, which is an open-source and free distribution.It is a platform-independent, which means that it can be installed on any operating system such as MAC … Installation of Keras library in Anaconda. Download Keras for free. Run Keras on Mac OS with GPU I just started playing with neural network using software other than Matlab.